Bologna-Molina, Ronell Eduardo; Mosqueda-Taylor, Adalberto; Lopez-Corella, E; de Almeida, OP; Carrasco-Daza, D; Farfán-Morales, J. Eduardo; Molina-Frechero, Nelly; Matsumura, Pablo Damián
Comparative expression of syndecan-1 and Ki-67 in peripheral and desmoplastic ameloblastomas and ameloblastic carcinoma.
The aims of the present study were to examine whether the pattern of syndecan-1 expression correlates with cellular proliferation index in desmoplastic ameloblastomas (DA), peripheral ameloblastomas (PA) and ameloblastic carcinomas (AC), and to compare with that previously reported for solid (SA) and unicystic (UA) variants of ameloblastoma. Immunohistochemistry was performed for syndecan-1 and Ki-67 in seven ameloblastomas (four DA and three PA) and three AC. Expression of syndecan-1 was related to the histological subtype of tumors and, in the case of malignancy, to lower expression levels observed in AC (22.5 percent) than in PA (47.5 percent) or DA (77.5 percent) (P < 0.05). Syndecan-1 expression correlated inversely with Ki-67 proliferative index: the expression was lower in both types of ameloblastomas (1.5 percent in DA and 6.4 percent in PA) than in AC (41.2 percent; P < 0.05). The present results suggest that the decrease in syndecan-1 expression and increase in the Ki-67 index observed in AC is in accordance with its higher aggressiveness as compared to the rare DA and PA. Interestingly, DA had a lower proliferation index as well as the highest levels of syndecan-1 expression. These data suggest that DA differ from the other types of intraosseous ameloblastomas but more studies are necessary to better understand the role of this protein as a marker in the biological behavior of the epithelial odontogenic neoplasms.(AU)